Monday, 25 March 2013

Treaty of Hudaibiah

Qur'aanic Verse 48:1:


1. Inna fatahna laka fathan mubeenan


1. We have indeed granted you a clear victory.1

Study Note:

1. Verses occurring later in this Chapter indicate that the victory mentioned here is neither that at the battle of Badr nor the conquest of Mecca. In between those two events, Prophet Muhammad [peace on him] had set off from Medina, with some of his companions, to perform Umrah at Mecca which was still in the hands of the polytheists. On their way, the party was stopped at a place called Hudaibiah and not allowed to proceed further. Negotiations between the party and the Meccans followed, wherein, the Muslims agreed to return to Medina that year, and the Meccans agree to allow them to come for the pilgrimage next year. Although the treaty enabled peace for the future propagation of Islam, certain terms therein were apparently humiliating for the Musims. Therefore, most of the Muslims could not then understand why it was being called a victory. They nevertheless reiterated there their oath of allegiance to the Prophet. Only later on did they realize that the extended period of peace they gained was the real victory; for, Islam spread rapidly therein.

The above is an extract from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VI.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Portends of the End

Qur'aanic Verse 47:18:


18. Fahal yanthuroona illa alssaAAata an ta/tiyahum baghtatan faqad jaa ashratuha faanna lahum ithajaat-hum thikrahum


18. Are they, then, waiting for the Hour (the time when the present world will end and the Hereafter begin) to come upon them of a sudden? Portends2 of it have verily come! And what will mention of these [portends] avail them, once it [the Hour] has come upon them?

Study Note:

2. Calamities suffered by ancient peoples like those of Noah and Lot, the Aad, the Samood etc. were but portends of what would happen when the Hour comes affecting the entire earth. Such portends do come even now in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis etc. But people now hardly take them as portends. They dismiss them as just natural phenomena!

The above is an extract from yet-to-be-pubished Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VI.

Friday, 15 March 2013

The Qur'aan

Qur'aanic Verse 47:24:


24. Afala yatadabbaroona alqur-ana am AAala quloobin aqfaluha


24. Why do they not, then, ponder over this Qur’aan? Or are there locks upon their minds to keep it [Qur’aan] out? 3

Study Note:

3. Pease view this video in this context – or another. There are many more such videos availabe on You may also go through my article wherein it is explained how the Qur’aan virtually mentions blood circulation by means of which human body is grown and maintained. The Qur’aan discloses this hundreds of years before scientists discovered it!

The above is an extract from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VI.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Believer - in a Nutshell

Qur'aanic Verse 46:13:


13. Inna allatheena qaloo rabbuna Allahu thumma istaqamoo fala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona


13. Those indeed who say ‘Allah is Our Lord’ and then remain steadfast, they shall have no fear then, nor shall they grieve!”5

Study Note:

5. Refer also, in this context, to similar Verse 41:30, which is a further elaboration of this Verse here. The Verse depicts, in a nutshell, the character of a believer in this world.

The above is an extract from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VI.