Qur'aanic Verse 40:4:
4 Ma yujadilu fee ayati Allahi illa
allatheena kafaroo fala yaghrurka taqallubuhum fee
4. No one calls Allah’s Verses in question, but those who suppress the
Truth! Hence, let not their activity among the populace deceive you.2
Study Note:
It 0ften happens that the wicked and the cruel people in this world have the
upper hand. Despite their crimes against humanity, they continue apparently to
enjoy life. To take an example on a macro level from history, Hitler had
undoubtedly an upper hand for many years initially in World War II. He seemed
invincible against his opponents all around him. But in the end he had to
suffer an ignominious defeat and death. The believers have to take heart from
this historical piece from our recent past. History abounds in such examples.
And I have no doubt every believer has experienced in their personal lives such
examples of bad persons having bad ends. But personal experiences are not
necessarily definitive in character. The person experiencing or witnessing them
does not always have the whole story revealed to him. The person is likely
therefore to be deceived. To him or her, crime apparently goes unpunished most
of the times. A believer however remains steadfast in believing that Allah
Almighty is watching every minute thing everywhere and that justice is bound to
be done whatever the apparent position for now. One other thing that ought to
be remembered in this context is that an atheist is not likely to be punished
in this world if that atheist behaves justly with all his fellow citizens here.
His punishment for his disbelief in Allah is reserved for the Hereafter.
The above is an extract from Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VI.