Friday, 30 August 2013

Divine Deal

Qur'aanic Verse 2:245:


245. Man tha allathee yuqridu Allaha qardan hasanan fayudaAAifahu lahu adAAafan katheeratan waAllahu yaqbidu wayabsutu wa-ilayhi turjaAAoona


245. Who is there to lend a good loan to Allah, which He will repay in multiples thereof? And it is Allah Who takes possession of things and amplifies them, and to Him you shall be returned.464

Study Note:

464. Magnanimously thus does Allah offer a deal to His creatures, the human beings. HE wants them to sacrifice, if necessary, the pleasures of this worldly life, which are in any case temporary and unreliable. In return, He offers them everlasting rewards, many many times more in real value.

An extract from Qur'aanic Studies Manzil I.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

What is Sadaqah?

Qur'aanic Verse 9:58:


58. Waminhum man yalmizuka fee alssadaqati fa-in oAAtoo minha radoo wa-in lam yuAAtaw minha itha hum yaskhatoona


58. And among them are those who blame you for misuse of the welfare funds28. If they are given anything from it they are pleased. And if they are not given anything from it, they are indignant.

Study Note:

28. The Arabic word used is sadaqaat. Translators have rendered its meaning to be the same as of zakaat, viz, alms or charities. Zakaat has been defined in Verse 30.39 as something given away seeking only the pleasure of Allah. Zakaat therefore constitutes a voluntary deed. Sadaqah [singular form of Sadaqaat], on the other hand, is a Fund collected through mandatory cuts from individual persons’ incomes. It is collected, in the manner of a tax levied by modern governments, for welfare measures to be undertaken by the State. This is apparent from Verse 9.60 below. ‘Welfare Funds’ would therefore be a better translation for sadaqaat.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Ritualistic Reading

Qur'aanic Verse 62:5:


5. Mathalu allatheena hummiloo alttawrata thumma lam yahmilooha kamathali alhimari yahmilu asfaran bi/sa mathalu alqawmi allatheena kaththaboo bi-ayati Allahi waAllahu la yahdee alqawma alththalimeena


5. Those who were given the responsibility of bearing [following the instructions in] the Torah, but did not do so are like an ass carrying a load of books.4 Terrible is the example of those who deny Allah’s signs/Verses! And Allah does not guide the wicked people.

Study Note:

4. The reference, of course, is to the Jews here. But the simile equally applies to most modern-day Muslims. Like how the Jews treat the Torah, the Muslims treat the Qur’aan! Both practise just ritualistic reading of their respective Scripture without bothering to follow its instructions.

An extract from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VII.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Muhammad in Bible

Qur'aanic Verse 61_6:


6. Wa-ith qala AAeesa ibnu maryama ya banee isra-eela innee rasoolu Allahi ilaykum musaddiqan limabayna yadayya mina alttawrati wamubashshiran birasoolin ya/tee min baAAdee ismuhu ahmadu falamma jaahum bialbayyinati qaloo hatha sihrun mubeenun


6. And when Jesus son of Mary said, “O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming what was there in the Torah before me and giving good tidings of a Messenger to come after me. His name is to be Ahmed [Praised One].”2 Yet when he has come to them with clear evidences, they say, “This is magic manifest!”

Study Note:

2. Watch this YouTube video.

An extract from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VII.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Wrong-doers' Illusion

Qur'aanic Verse 58:18:


18. Yawma yabAAathuhumu Allahu jameeAAan fayahlifoona lahu kama yahlifoona lakum wayahsaboona annahum AAala shay-in ala innahum humu alkathiboona


18. The Day Allah will resurrect them all, they will swear to Him as they swear to you and think they are standing on something solid. Are they indeed not those who are the liars?6

Study Note:

6. Some wrong-doers in this world repeatedly swear to gullible people at large that they are the epitomes of virtue, and they push their ill deeds under the carpet of their swearing. Their repeated swearing creates the illusion in their own selves that they really are virtuous, and they extend their swearing before their Creator as well! They forget their lies would not stand before Him.

An extract from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VII.