Qur'aanic Verse 55:6:
6. Waalnnajmu waalshshajaru yasjudani
6. Waalnnajmu waalshshajaru yasjudani
6. And the star and the tree prostrate!3
Study Note:
3. As I was studying this
Verse aloud, my wife exclaimed, “But the star and the tree do not prostrate!” I
explained that the word ‘prostrate’ symbolizes complete submission. The star symbolizes
all the heavenly bodies – including the Sun – in the sky. The Sun, as we know,
serves as the fountain-head of all life on this earth. The vegetable section –
represented by ‘the tree’ – of the life on this planet serves by providing food
and other necessities for sustenance of life here. Both these sections of
Creation unquestioningly serve their Creator and thus prostrate to Him. It is
only man who may literally – but not spiritually – prostrate to Him!
The above is extracted from yet-to-be-published Qur'aanic Studies Manzil VII.