Thursday, 10 September 2015

Jesus = Adam

Translation of this Qur’aanic Verse 3:59: Indeed, for Allah, the case of Jesus is like the case of Adam whom He created out of dust and then said to him "Be" and he was!
2.   Jesus was likened to Adam as, unlike other men, they were both created without sexual intercourse between man and woman.
3.   Besides this basic statement, Allah Almighty, it seems, ingeniously concealed in this Verse a proof – proof that the Qur’aan is genuinely divine and not man-made.
4.   For, at the time the Qur’aan was revealed, over 1400 years ago – and in the manner in which it was revealed – only Allah Almighty could have made the statement in the Verse mathematically correct. Remember that the Qur’aan was not revealed all at once; it was revealed in portions over a long period stretching for 23 years! At the time of its revelation, moreover, mankind was bereft of any of the modern facilities of internet and laptops. It did not have even paper and printing press!!
5.   It was in those circumstances that the Qur’aan miraculously made the statement in the above-quoted Verse mathematically correct in the sense that, throughout the entire Qur’aan, the word Eisa (Jesus) occurs 25 times and the word Aadam (Adam) also occurs exactly 25 times! I have myself verified this amazing fact. It is unlikely that those 7th century Arabs to whom the Qur’aan was first revealed were aware of it. It came to light only recently, after the advent of computers.
6.   The word Eisa occurs in Verses 2:31, 2:33, 2:34, 2:35, 2:37, 3:33, 3:59, 5:27, 7:11, 7:19, 7:26, 7:27, 7:31, 7:35, 7:172, 17:61, 17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115, 20:116, 20:117, 20:120, 20:121, 36:60. And the word Aadam occurs in Verses 2:87, 2:136, 2:253, 3:45, 3:52, 3:55, 3:59, 3:84, 4:157, 4:163, 4:171, 5:46, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 6:85, 19:34, 33:7, 42:13, 43:63, 57:27, 61:6, 61:14.

Mohammad Shafi
Author of QUR’AANIC STUDIES – A Modern Tafsir