Qur'aanic Verse 2:222:
222. Wayas-aloonaka AAani almaheedi
qul huwa athan faiAAtaziloo alnnisaa fee almaheedi wala
taqraboohunna hatta yathurna fa-itha tatahharna
fa/toohunna min haythu amarakumu Allahu inna Allaha yuhibbu
alttawwabeena wayuhibbu almutatahhireena
222. And they ask you about menstruation. Tell them,
"It is harmful.412, 413 So keep away from women in
menstruation, and approach them not till they're cleansed.414 And
when they are cleansed, go to them in the manner decreed for you by Allah.415
Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and seek forgiveness, and He loves those
who keep themselves clean."416
Study Notes:
412. Every
month the uterus of an adult woman, who is not already pregnant and who has not
reached the age of menopause, prepares itself for pregnancy. It prepares itself
to welcome, nourish and help develop an impregnated egg for over nine months to
transform it into a human form ready to come out into the open world. The
preparation results in a thickened lining of the inner wall
of the uterus.
413. But if the pregnancy does
not happen, the thickened lining of the uterus wall gets damaged and is shed
out through the vagina in the form of tissues and blood. This draining of the
damaged uterus lining is known as menstruation, menses or 'the monthly period'
in women. A menstruating woman could be in a vulnerable state, both mentally
and physically.
414. Recent studies have
revealed that there is a greater risk of transmitting AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases through sexual intercourse during menstruation. The
onslaught of AIDS in recent times could be a direct consequence of the
ignorance of or blatant disregard for this divine guidance/command. Man's
welfare lies in the obedience of Allah's directives.
415. Aberrations in sexual
behaviour like indulging in anal sex, being unnatural and therefore not as per
the divine design, are obviously not as decreed by Allah.
The All-knowing Allah has made the sex urge strong, obviously for the purpose
of the procreation of mankind till the Last Day. It is so strong that even the
pious may be tempted to taste the forbidden fruit, sometimes. That is why Allah
promises forgiveness for those who may commit a sin in this regard,
unintentionally, and then repent and sincerely resolve not to commit the sin
again. Please also take note of the importance given to maintenance of
cleanliness in general.
An extract from soon-to-be-published, inshaAllah, Qur'aanic Studies.